Piano Cabaret


Piano Cabaret

A maestro composer is attempting to share the process of creating a masterpiece – live for his audience tonight… and is awaiting true inspiration… patience is needed. Mask, movement study films and romantic piano music – the notion of weight – and emptiness – needed in order to allow something radically new to grow… eventually… maybe… if we are lucky!

Presented at Salisbury International Arts Festival, Pound Arts Centre Corsham, Keller 62, Zuerich and Fasson theatre in Lachen, Switzerland, September 2013. Supported by: Kulturkommission Kanton Schwyz, Avina Stiftung, Arts Council England South West, Gemeinde Lachen, Wiltshire Council.

Piano Cabaret

Ein Maestro Komponist versucht den Prozess einer musikalischen Kreation zu vermitteln – live für sein Publikum heute Abend… und wartet echte Inspiration ab… Geduld ist gefragt. Maske, Bewegungsstudien filme und romantische Klaviermusik – der Begriff des Gewichtes – und der Leere, die es braucht um etwas radikal Neues wachsen zu lassen… allmählich… vielleicht… wenn wir Glück haben!

Aufführungen: Salisbury International Arts Festival, Pound Arts Centre Corsham, Keller 62, Zürich and Fasson theatre in Lachen, Switzerland, September 2013. Unterstützt von: Kulturkommission Kanton Schwyz, Avina Stiftung, Arts Council England South West, Gemeinde Lachen, Wiltshire Council.

Sekulic has an absolutely unique presence, he moves, plays and chats highly professionally – with his own vulnerability – and promotes a ‘skilful innocence’!
Audience member

Salisbury International Arts Festival Highlight: PIANO CABARET: Part classical concert and part physical comedy, which poses questions about art and life.
Daily Telegraph